Weekly Announcements

December 4, 2020

1. New COVID policies for Worship Services

Unfortunately, the past week has also seen record numbers of the novel coronavirus sweep through our state. In response to the uptick, your elders are not willing to cancel in-person worship services. We believe that it is important to continue gathering together weekly for corporate worship to feast upon the ordinary means of grace - though as we have said previously, we also recognize that each individual/family needs to assess in their own conscience before the Lord the risks that come from attending a large assembly during this pandemic. But in light of the increased spread of the virus, the Session has decided that effective this Sunday, the 11:00 a.m. worship service in the Sanctuary will be a mask-required service, like the 8:30 a.m. worship services in both the Sanctuary and the Gym. The Gym at 11:00 a.m. will remain a mask-optional service, because the room is large and the seating arrangement allows for ample physical distance.

Some have wondered in their hearts or out loud why we allow for any mask-optional spaces at all. The answer in part is that in a congregation (and Session) as large as ours, there is a diversity of convictions on the question of mask-wearing itself and the propriety of requiring mask-wearing; and because we have an adequate number of large spaces on our campus (such as our Gym) that allow people to remain far enough away from their neighbors, we are able to provide a variety of options that allow people who assess the risk in different ways to make choices that they believe are appropriate. The Session is seeking to hold together the love of the brethren and our community, liberty of conscience, and the unity of our body through a season that has ripped asunder churches and relationships. It isn’t easy to hold all this together, and we don’t claim to have gotten it right at every step of the way. But I believe that the hearts of our elders are rightly oriented toward God’s glory, the edification of the saints, and the salvation of the lost, and that they have wrestled well together through difficult issues. Please continue to pray for the Lord to grant wisdom, understanding, and much grace in our relationships with one another - as well as for an end to this pandemic. 

2. December Birthdays

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3. Welcome to our staff, Howard Graylin!

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Howard Graylin, a member at POPC since 2006, has recently been hired by the Session as the Sound Team Leader. 

  • Our Sound Team works behind the scenes to keep our worship services sounding as excellent as possible - and especially since COVID hit, they have worked tirelessly in a more complex situation to make the livestream available to us at home and in the Multipurpose Building. 

  • The members of our Sound Team are Howard Graylin, Rick Goodwin, Ken Haynes, Elliott Bickerstaff, Michael Bryant, Wes Fowler, Joey Smith, and Mike Buckels. Brandon Slay, the Technology Director at CCS, also works closely in conjunction with our Sound Team. (If you have any interest in joining this Team, email Howard at hgraylin@pearorchard.org.)

These servants don’t want to be noticed, in part because they’re only noticed if something is going wrong with the sound or the video of our worship services. But try to notice them even when things sound and look great, and thank them for their thankless service. They are the unseen and unsung heroes of church in a pandemic.

4. Mark your calendars for our special Christmas services!

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This December we’ll be pausing in our study of Genesis to look at the hymns that were sung at Jesus’ conception and birth: the song of Mary, the song of Zechariah, the song of Simeon, and the song of the angels.

We’ll also be having our regular Christmas services:

  • The Cherub Choir pageant will be December 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gym. Our 4 year olds-1st graders will lead us in singing to our Savior. Masks will be required.

  • Lessons & Carols will be December 20 at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary and the Gym. The sanctuary choir and string quartet will lead us in worship.

  • The Christmas Eve service will take place in the sanctuary and be live streamed to the Gym. Masks are required in both locations. 

Make plans to join us as you are able!

5. Our Deacons have set up a Step Morgan Family Fund.

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The Deacons have established a designated fund to receive gifts to meet the needs of Step Morgan and his family in the light of his recent amputation.

  • If you’d like to contribute toward it, you can do so by clicking the “Give” button on our homepage and selecting this fund, or by indicating this fund on your check.

Keep Step in your prayers as he continues physical and occupational therapy, and keep his whole family in your prayers as they all adjust to a new normal. Pray that they would continue to rejoice in the Lord through this affliction. 

6. Worship with us this Lord’s Day in person or online.

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Join us for corporate worship this Sunday morning (in person or online) at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday evening (in person or online) at 6:00 p.m. 

  • Pastor Dean is preaching on Luke 1:46-55 in the morning.

  • Mr. Wilson Van Hooser is preaching on Ruth 3 in the evening.

Important links:

  • To register for the nursery for Sunday evening, click here