Sessional Decisions In Light of COVID 19 situation Changes

Brothers and sisters,

In light of the uptick in COVID cases and increased strains on our state’s  hospital systems, and the executive order that is forthcoming from Governor Tate Reeves, your elders met this afternoon to discuss changes to our worship services and ministries. Please note the following:

1. Tomorrow, July 12, we strongly encourage you to wear masks. Masks will continue to be required only in the 8:30 a.m. gym service.

2. Effective Sunday, July 19, masks will be required in the gym and sanctuary at 8:30 a.m., and in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. (except for those 2 and under, and those with medical conditions that prohibit mask wearing); in the 11:00 a.m. gym service, masks will be optional. Masks will be required at evening worship. We will have masks on hand to give to those who do not have a mask with them.

3. For the time being, we will be reducing congregational singing in our worship services to lessen the risk of spreading COVID. Effective July 19, we will cancel Church time for ages 2-4, but we will continue to have a Nursery for those 2 and under. 

4. Ministry gatherings during the week will be limited to 10 people inside and 20 people outside. Due to the timing of this email on a Saturday afternoon, it is likely that some will not see it until after this Sunday, July 12. We will continue to communicate these changes throughout this week. Please help spread the word to your fellow church members, and to those visitors who you know want to be present in worship. As always, we ask those who are sick, or who are at high risk of suffering greatly or dying if they catch this coronavirus, to stay home and watch our services by live stream. Please continue to pray for your elders to have wisdom and discernment, and please continue to do what you are able to do to preserve the health of our community. Let us continue to love one another, no matter where you fall in your assessment of this virus, its impact, and which precautions should be taken. This pandemic has caused us to lose much, but we know that God is sovereign over all loss, and so with Job we can say, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!” (Job 1:21). Let us prepare our hearts to gather before our King tomorrow on His day to bless His holy name.

In the King’s Service,

Pastor Caleb