Sing to the Lord a New Song!

June 2, 2023

The offertory this Sunday morning will be Christ Is Mine Forevermore, by CityAlight. The Worship Team is introducing this song as an offertory with a plan to begin singing it as a congregational song in the coming weeks. This is a rich song centered on the certainty we have in the finished work of Christ.

Each verse reminds us of our own frailty and the brokenness around us, but then points us to Christ as the answer to all our longings. We continually forsake the God who designed us to enjoy Him, but Christ has redeemed us and is eternally faithful to us. We will endure difficulties and sadness in this life that we cannot understand, but we have peace through Jesus who works all things together for good for those who belong to Him. We will endure persecution for Jesus’ sake, but He has equipped us for it and will deliver us through it.

The song ends with a refrain that invites us to exhort our own souls to rejoice that Christ’s love is our reward, that we have hope that leaves us with no reason to fear because we belong to Christ and are co-heirs with Him.

You can listen to the song by 
clicking here.

Mine are days that God has numbered, I was made to walk with Him
Yet I look for worldly treasure and forsake the King of kings.
But mine is hope in my Redeemer, though I fall, his love is sure.
For Christ has paid for every failing, I am His forevermore.

Mine are tears in times of sorrow. Darkness not yet understood.
Through the valley I must travel where I see no earthly good
But mine is peace that flows from heaven and the strength in times of need
I know my pain will not be wasted, Christ completes his work in me

Mine are days here as a stranger, pilgrim on a narrow way.
One with Christ I will encounter harm and hatred for his name.
But mine is armor for this battle strong enough to last the war
And he has said he will deliver safely to the golden shore

Come rejoice now, O my soul, for his love is my reward.
Fear is gone and hope is sure, Christ is mine forevermore!

And mine are keys to Zion city where beside the King I walk.
For there my heart has found its treasure, Christ is mine forevermore.

Jonny Robinson and Rich Thompson, © CityAlight Music

- Madison Taylor