From the Pastor's Study

April 22, 2022

I was at the Twin Lakes Fellowship for most of this week, a pastor's conference sponsored by First Presbyterian Church in Jackson and held at Twin Lakes Conference Center. It's been a week I have anticipated each year for the past twenty-two years, ever since I was in seminary - it's always a great time to see old friends, meet some new ones, and be refocused in my calling as a minister of the gospel. It's a week that doesn't leave much time for writing, however, so I'm going to turn the keyboard over to Mr. Clinton Carraway, one of our Deacons and the chairman of the Deacons' Communication Committee. If you have ever wondered how our Diaconate is organized to serve the needs of our body (or even if you haven't!), you'll appreciate these brief explanations. Please continue to keep our Deacons in prayer as they seek to lead the congregation in meeting the tangible and temporal needs of the flock.


1. Building and Grounds Committee (Chairman: Michael Johnson)
The purpose of the Building & Grounds Committee is to assist the Deacons in caring for the physical property at the church. They meet to review requests for new projects and updates on ongoing projects. Another responsibility of the B&G Committee is to look at all facility planning at the beginning of each year and block out time during the year for specific projects. They also handle all damage analysis for damage that is done to the church.

2. Finance Committee (Chairman: Mark Brown)
The role of the Finance Committee is to help the Diaconate with all matters relating to the budget and day to day finances of the church. The team works with Bill Alvis (our Church Treasurer) and the Session to put together the annual budget that is presented to the Officers and Congregation as a whole.

3. GUTS Committee (Chairmen: Glen Ulrich and Allan Edgar)
GUTS stands for Greetings, Ushering, Transportation and Security. The GUTS Committee primarily organizes and schedules all ushers and greeters for Sunday Mornings (Greetings and Ushering), provides and organizes transportation for members who lack a means of transportation to church or church events (Transportation), and provides security for church events (Security). If you have any needs for transportation, please let us know!

4. Mercy Ministry Committee (Chairman: Walt Lucas)
The role of the Mercy Ministry Committee is to help those in our church body that are in need. This can take on many forms which include providing meals, completing work projects, financial assistance or simply providing guidance.

5. Contracts and Administration Committee (Chairman: Madison Taylor)
The Contracts and Administration Committee oversees the ministry of administration in process, personnel, and facilities of POPC with the goal of proper stewardship of POPC’s resources. This primarily involves reviewing, revising, and presenting contracts to the Diaconate for approval before they are executed by POPC and assisting with any changes to the POPC policy manual and presenting them to the Diaconate for approval.

6. Disaster Relief Committee (Chairman: Jamie Murphy)
Disaster Relief is a branch of Mercy Ministry that seeks to help others on a larger scale when disasters do strike (Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, etc.).

7. Communications Committee (Chairman: Clinton Carraway)
The role of the Communications Committee is to communicate with the church regarding all these committees listed above. We aim to update the church on new and ongoing projects the deacons are working on or have completed.