A guest post by Dr. John Kwasny, Executive Ministry Director

November 17, 2024

New Sunday School Classes are Starting in December!
A guest post by Dr. John Kwasny, Executive Ministry Director

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  (Matthew 28:19-20)
On Sunday, December 3rd, we begin our Winter Adult Sunday School quarter. It has been affectionately dubbed, “Winter Wildcard” due to the makeup of the choices. It is the one quarter each year that we offer an “all the above” slate: Old Testament studies, New Testament studies, and Theological studies. Our Adult Discipleship Ministry Team (Newell Simrall, chair, Mike Atkinson, Jason Branning, Mary Jo Wicke, and Mary Katherine Biggs) has been working diligently on recruiting teachers and choosing the best courses of study (here is the link to register for our upcoming classes). We long to see more and more of our adults participate in this essential aspect of our overall discipleship ministry at POPC!
Since we have had so many new members over the last few years, I want to take this opportunity to review our ministry philosophy and practice of Adult Sunday School:

  • Sound adult educational philosophy informs us that adult learners are “self-directed.” This means adults tend to choose what they want (need) to learn, from whom they want to learn, and whom they want to learn alongside of.

  • Based on this principle, our Adult Sunday School model is an elective one, with several (typically, four) non-age-segregated adult classes to choose from. All adults are free to choose their class each quarter, with no age or stage separation. They can choose based on any number of variables.

  • In a church our size, this model also encourages us to meet/know more people in the congregation, since we have new classes starting every quarter. It also allows us to learn inter-generationally. We are not “siloed” off into closed age groups in Sunday School.

  • Adult Sunday School is primarily about discipleship and the authoritative teaching of the Word, more than fellowship or targeting the needs of a particular demographic. We believe there are better contexts for those other important goals, including (but not limited to) community groups, small group Bible studies, midweek educational electives, etc.

  • Teachers are encouraged to use various methods, depending on class size and subject matter. Lecture, discussion, application, question and answer, etc., are all to encourage understanding and wisdom in our adults. Lecture is often primary because of the size of our classes—but that does not mean the learner just sits silently with no interaction with the content.

  • We make sure that Old Testament (fall) and New Testament (spring) studies happen every year, so every Bible book can be taught over a certain year period. Theological studies are also offered in summer and winter.

  • Adult Sunday School is only 45 minutes long, so it cannot serve every purpose. We desire to prioritize the teaching of the Word when the most adults are on campus.

This winter, the Adult Discipleship Ministry Team has added an elective targeted for young adults/young families, with opportunities for questions and discussion. John Wiggins, Mark Brown, Glen Ulrich, Jared Moffett, and Jesse McCallister will teach/lead the class. In keeping with our philosophy of ministry, the class is open to all adults who would be interested in this subject.
If you ever have questions or concerns about Adult Sunday School,
or any facet of our adult discipleship ministry, feel free to talk with any member of the Adult Discipleship Ministry Team!